January 2: In view of the upcoming Kumbh Mela, the Indian Railways has announced the operation of special reserved trains to facilitate the smooth movement of passengers and manage the additional crowd. These trains will run between Amritsar-Phaphamau-Amritsar and Firozpur Cantt-Phaphamau-Firozpur Cantt.
According to the official press release, the 04662 Amritsar-Phaphamau Reserved Special will depart from Amritsar to Phaphamau on 9th, 19th January, and 6th February 2025. The train will leave Amritsar at 8:10 PM and arrive at Phaphamau the following day at 7:00 PM. The return journey, 04661 Phaphamau-Amritsar Reserved Special, will run on 11th, 21st January, and 8th February 2025. This train will depart Phaphamau at 6:30 AM and reach Amritsar the next day at 4:15 AM.
The special trains will halt at several key stations along the route, including Beas, Jalandhar City, Dhandari Kalan, Sirhind, Rajpura, Ambala Cantt, Yamunanagar Jagadhri, Saharanpur, Deoband, Muzaffarnagar, Meerut City, Hapur, Garhmukteshwar, Gajraula, Amroha, Moradabad, Rampur, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Lucknow, and Raebareli.
Additionally, the 04664 Firozpur Cantt-Phaphamau Reserved Special will operate on 25th January 2025, departing Firozpur Cantt at 1:25 PM and arriving at Phaphamau the next day at 11:30 AM. The return service, 04663 Phaphamau-Firozpur Cantt Reserved Special, will run on 26th January 2025, departing Phaphamau at 7:30 PM and reaching Firozpur Cantt the next day at 4:45 PM.
This train will halt at stations such as Faridkot, Kotkapura, Bathinda, Dhuri, Patiala, Rajpura, Ambala Cantt, Saharanpur, Moradabad, Bareilly, Shahjahanpur, Lucknow, and Raebareli.
An official said the Railways has ensured that these special trains will help ease the travel of devotees and manage the increased traffic during the Kumbh Mela.
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