Sanders: ‘We Must Not Forget Gaza’s Suffering’

US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) spoke about the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza and his intention to block arms sales to Israel: “While the media focuses on the U.S. presidential election, we must not forget Gaza, where the humanitarian crisis is getting worse.”

“After nine months of war, over 38,000 people have died, and 88,000 have been injured. Most of these victims are women, children, or elderly. The real numbers might be higher, with many still buried under rubble.”

“Most of Gaza’s 1.9 million people have lost their homes. Many have been displaced multiple times, and over 60 percent of buildings are damaged or destroyed.”

“Israel is restricting UN humanitarian aid to Gaza, blocking key supplies and preventing aid workers from reaching many areas. This has stopped effective aid response.”

“The situation is dire. About 495,000 people, or one in four Gazans, are facing starvation. The World Food Programme cut rations in June, leaving many with only flour. People are searching rubble for food and boiling leaves to eat.”

“Clean water is scarce, and 67 percent of water and sanitation systems are damaged or destroyed. Children spend hours searching for food and water, navigating through garbage and sewage-filled streets.

These conditions have led to diseases like hepatitis and diarrhea, but most hospitals and clinics have been destroyed, and 500 health care workers have been killed.”

“Hamas began this war with a terrorist attack on October 7th, killing 1,200 Israelis and taking hundreds of hostages. Israel had a right to respond, but Netanyahu’s right-wing government has waged total war on the Palestinian people, ignoring international law and making Gaza unlivable. Netanyahu might face charges from the International Criminal Court for his actions.”

“Despite these horrors, the U.S. continues to send money and weapons to support this war. We, as Americans, are partly responsible.”

“We must stop supporting Netanyahu’s war. No more money or weapons to worsen this crisis. I will do everything I can to block more arms sales to Israel. The U.S. must not help a right-wing extremist and war criminal continue this atrocity.”

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